I'm back again. The Society was impossible for me for several reasons. No one could read. Well, maybe two or three men in the whole congregation. The lower the skill set the more praise was heaped on them. Since I left WTS so young, I am confused in my mind. For the vast majority of passages in the Bible, children are a loved, valuable asset. Jews readily admit the Abraham-Isaac story is horrific with no excuse for such a God. Abraham had free will so what was his excuse? How does the Society deal with parental abuse, particularly sexual abuse. I see a direct link between Witness culture and abuse. My father would scream "spare the rod" but my mom would scream back some nonPauline Pauline scripture about not tempting your children. Paul, the founder of mainstream Christianity, should outrank an anonymous Psalmist. I used to literally spit on the ground at the mention of Paul. I took a course at Columbia where we read the scriptures he actuall wrote. The sexist stuff is pseudoPaul. Now I truly respect him.
When I read Pauline books, I can tell the difference in a gestalt sense. The Witnesses will never acknowledge this. They p robably don't admit that scholars consistently find certain books (the Timothys for instance) not written by Paul. He has a dinstinctive writing style. Also, his theology is cohesive when confined to the books believe to be authentic. When I heard about the Witnesses and oral sex, I praised Almighty God that I was out. They can be more intrusive onto the very activities viewed sacred and private by society than any other group. Birth control is a small matter compared to sexual activity between married people. Again, nowhere does the Bible address this matter. Nowhere! So we have "truth" squads interrogating married people, encouraging them to squeal on each other. 1984 is here! Do they ever address the topic of child abuse? Spanking is considered outrageous today. Yet they beat with a vegeance. Do they give lip service to another alternative?
Since men's genitalia are so important to them, I always thought they were insanely jealous of women's ability to bear children. Some mass psychological defect must be present for sex roles to be so important to them. I remember working for the U.S. Senate during ERA hearings. Some conservative Senator listened as a fundamentalist testified how bad women were. The Senator touted his Bible and church work and said the Bible said one thing but real life tempered it, too. His wife was his equal life partner. The Senator was savvy as to how to enjoy his life the most. The penis worship is so paramount I have no clue how the Society acknowledges its faulty view of scripture with the reality that in every religion abuse will occur. Blind rage ruled. There was not orderly discipline.
Unless there is strong condemnation of male beatings, how can the Witnesses pretend to be different from the Roman Catholic Church and the pedophilia abuse cases. Both Witnesses and Catholics seem to have these cases in abundance because of the deference given to authority. What a crock! My father studied so hard to refute Catholic teachings. Frankly, I agree with him concerning those teachings. On a personal level, what do I care about the Nicene Creed, hell fire, saints, papal infalliability(that is so funny) when I fear for my very life. Surviving trumps all. Jesus and Paul had one major theme: love. Love one another as I have loved you. Can anyone imagine Jesus chasing a female relative with lust and throwing stones? I don't think so.
I left in high school after my Dad died in 1968. Only recently have I felt free and safe to tell my story. Despite my hardest efforts, I was transformed for the worse by these experiences. There is certainly help. Somehow I was very invested in putting on a good show for the Witnesses. There is just one more story. Because he once was at Bethel, he knew NYC well. He piled visiting family in his car and took us over to Harlem, a few days after major riots that captivated the nation. He slowed down and actually pointed at conked hair and misspelled signage. An angel protected us. Next, he hit Greenwich Village to show us real beatniks. A young women with long hair parted down the middle, walked down a street with bare feet. He almost stopped the car and followed her, leaning out and hooting at her. What a witness! Oh, what the Village crowd must have thought of him and his theocratic nature. More than years of living in Brooklyn Heights taught him this behavior.